Confirmation Prep meets at the same time as our HS Youth Group
SUNDAYs FROM 2:30-4:30
What can you expect at a Youth Group / Confirmation Prep gathering?
2:30: Snacks – Fellowship - Games
3:00: Opening Prayer
3:15: Teaching
3:45: Small Groups
4:10: Adoration
4:30: Departure
Confirmation Requirements:
“Adolescents are to be at least in grades 9th through 12th by the time they celebrate the sacrament.” - Roman Catholic Diocese of Boise
Must be a registered parishioner of St. Mark's or submit a letter of permission from parish priest where family is active and registered (ASAP)
Enroll in Confirmation Prep by clicking the registration link above (ASAP)
Provide a copy of Baptism & First Communion Certificates (ASAP)
Attend Sunday Mass weekly & Holydays of Obligation.
Attend Confirmation Prep & Adoration weekly (January - April)
Choose a Confirmation Sponsor:
Eligibility Form & Confirmation Certificate (Due 2/23/25)
Choose a Patron Saint (Due 3/2/25)
Write a letter to Bishop Peter Christensen expressing your desire to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation (Due 3/2/25)
Attend Confirmation Retreat - March 29, 2025
St. Mark’s Parish - 9:30 - 5:00
Mass - 5:00 - 6:00
Complete Works of Mercy project (Due 4/6/25)
Confirmation Mass, St. Mark’s Parish - Thursday, May 1st @ 7pm
In addition to our own candidates & families St. Mark’s is pleased to welcome St. Mary’s candidates and their families to celebrate this special outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Confirmation Classes #1-#8 (January - April) are required for all candidates seeking the sacrament . If a class is missed the candidate loses time for fellowship, teaching, discussion and time to uncover more about the richness of their Catholic faith. If absent the lesson is assigned as homework and due the following Sunday.