At Holy Fire, middle school Catholics are invited and challenged to embrace their baptismal call and the powerful, relevant gospel of Jesus. Through talks by dynamic speakers, witness by peers, inspirational praise and worship, and rich experiences of the Sacraments, Holy Fire helps young people feel seen, welcomed, and invited into a life changing commitment to Christ.

If you have any trouble with the link above, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit https://brushfire.com/579069

  2. Click "Join a Group"

  3. Select the group: St. Mark's - Boise

  4. Enter the passcode: holyfire2024_stmarks

St. Mark’s is excited to take as many students as possible from our school & parish community.  

Please visit https://eqsaints.com/holyfire-boise/ to learn more about the guest speakers

If you have any additional questions or want to volunteer as a chaperone for this faith filled day of praise & worship, dynamic speakers, prayer, rich experiences of the Sacraments, and the opportunity to help our youth grow closer to Christ please let us know as soon as possible. youthministry@stmarksboise.org



8:30 AM - Doors open (for registration)
9:30 AM - Holy Fire Programming begins; highlights include:

  • Emcee Welcome and Facilitation of the Morning Schedule

  • Special Guest Entertainment

  • House Band Segments

  • Keynote Speaker

  • Prayer

11:40 AM - Lunch (approximate time)
12:30 PM - Welcome Back; programming highlights include:

  • Emcee Facilitation of the Afternoon Schedule

  • Special Guest Entertainment

  • House Band Segments

1:35 PM - Cookie Break (or other sweet treat)
1:50 PM - Programming continues; highlights include:

  • Emcee Facilitation of the Afternoon Schedule

  • House Band Segments

  • Keynote Speaker

  • Renewal of Baptismal Vows and Exposition

3:45 PM - Stretch Break / Prepare for Mass
4:00 PM - Closing Liturgy
5:30 PM - End of Day and Departures